Change the Conversation: Next Gen is a conversational-style podcast for the next generation by the next generation! You can meet our next gen podcast team below.
So pull up a chair and join us for some real, practical, and purposeful conversation. We pray that each episode is life-giving to every listener and that they inspire you of the power that can be had when our conversations are purposeful.
Change the Conversation: Next Gen can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.


Luke Perkins

Makayla Tollefson

Caleb Perkins

Chris Tollefson
Need more information about APM or want to reach out to the team? Fill out this form, and we will be in touch!
Luke is a college student, theology major, son, brother, devo. leader, and preacher-in-training. He loves hunting, playing basketball with the guys, singing, strumming on his guitar, and digging deep things out of the Word of God. He has also been known to entertain his little sister by “jamming out” (as she calls it) to musical soundtracks—a throwback to his days on the stage. Kids and teenagers are drawn to him like magnets, and he has a natural ability to cause the dynamics in a room to go from 0 to crazy in a matter of seconds. He’s passionate about the Word of God and intentional to seize opportunities to talk about it with anyone whom the Holy Spirit leads him to do so.
Makayla is a college student, worship leader, daughter, sister, and undercover comedian (she’s so funny!). She loves watching movies, reading, spending time with friends and family, singing, and eating cheap Chinese food and cold pizza. She has an ongoing feud with her Music Theory homework—and with her cold feet (literally, not metaphorically;) She’s been compared to a Disney princess because she’s often humming or singing quietly with her enchanting, melodic voice. Her joy and optimism can shift the environment in a room, and her eyes to see the unseen make anyone and everyone feel welcome.
Chris is a media guru by profession, a son, brother, pastor-in-training, songwriter, and music producer. He loves writing music, editing music, producing music—pretty much anything that involves music. He also loves cracking jokes that make you stop and think “wait, is he joking?” (And he usually is). Chris’ ability to function at full capacity on little sleep is something the rest of the population can only dream of—that, and his ability to quote the entire script of Monster's Inc. His deep-rooted heart for the kingdom of God speaks loud and clear through everything he does, and his unconventional style allows for there to be no boxes around those who his life can reach.
Caleb is a high school student, son, brother, philanthropist-in-training, and avid goal-setter. He loves hanging out with friends, grilling burgers from his family ranch to perfection, and being exceedingly goofy. The polar opposite sides of his personality—extreme silliness at one moment and the ability to facilitate and engage in deep spiritual conversations the next minute—have to make him some kind of an enigma. He’s the one everyone wants on their team because he’s a servant-hearted leader, and he gets stuff done. His faith can move mountains, and his impact on the Kingdom of God will be broader than he will ever acknowledge.
Need more information about APM or want to reach out to the team? Fill out this form, and we will be in touch!