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Coincidence or Providence

Isaiah 14:24

The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.


Isaiah 46:10

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’


The providence of God exists every second of every day. 


The hand of God is at work in every second of every day.

But sometimes we have to look a little deeper in order to see it. 


Just like in the book of Esther. 

Esther is the book of the Bible where the name of God is not written throughout its pages, but is woven throughout its pages. One could read the book of Esther as a book of coincidences:  

  • Vashti just happened to defy the king's orders, which left the king in need of a queen


  • The king’s advisors just happened to suggest a competition for the crown, and Esther just happened to be the right age


  • Esther just happened to find favor with the king’s eunuch and with the king, and she just happened to be chosen


  • Mordecai just happened to be in the right place to overhear the plot to kill the king


  • Esther just happened to be queen when Haman enacted the plot to destroy the Jews 


  • The king just happened to not be able to sleep—and he just happened to ask for the book of the Chronicles to be read to him—the night before Haman planned to kill Mordecai


  • The king’s servant just happened to read the part about Mordecai exposing the plot to kill the king, and the king just happened to have formerly overlooked honoring Mordecai for this service


  • Haman just happened to be in the palace early when the king was looking for advice on how to honor Mordecai, and this just happened to be the day Haman was planning to kill Mordecai


Or one could read the book of Esther as it actually is—a book of providence.


Just look at all the details God was orchestrating in the book that doesn’t contain his name. 


God is the Author of the story, even when his name seems to be hidden from its pages.


God is the Author of your story, even when his name seems to be hidden from your pages.


And when you get to the end of a chapter and look back, you’ll be able to see his pen strokes all throughout your pages.


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