God's Value System
This month we've looked at some take-aways from the Christmas story, and today we're going to consider one last thing—how crazy different God's value system is from that of our own.
Mankind’s value system is quite literally upside-down compared to God’s. Just look at a few Scriptural principles:
Throughout the Bible, we see that what culture holds in high esteem—wealth, prestige, position, etc. (things which are seen)—God places no value on. And we see that what culture holds in low esteem—heart posture, humility, servanthood, etc. (things which are unseen)—are the only things God places value on.
The birth of Jesus reveals this over and over again:
Not only did God reveal the birth of Jesus to these shepherds, but he revealed this good news through a magnificent chorus of angels. God didn’t go small because the audience was small. He didn’t go small because the audience was considered unimportant by earthly standards. The greatness of the announcement had nothing to do with the greatness of the recipients. Oh that our value system would be more like God's!
Oh Lord, thank you that we don’t have to live up to a certain earthly standard to be considered valuable by you. Help us to see others, and ourselves, through your eyes. Help us to see the world through your eyes. Instill your value system within us, that we may place merit and value where it belongs and not where it doesn’t. And, most importantly, thank you for your gift this Christmas! |