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Within My House

Psalm 101:2b-3a

I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;

I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.


When I read this passage recently, it stopped me in my tracks.


Sometimes the hardest place for us to “walk with integrity of heart” is within the walls of our own home. And it is more difficult now than ever before in history—and takes more resolve now than ever before—not to set before our eyes anything that is worthless, especially in the privacy of our own homes.


Oh Lord, please help us.


Psalm 101 was written by David, and it is talking about his commitment to holiness in himself, in his literal house, and in his land (all the places he’s called to steward). It reminded me of Joshua’s comment to the people of Israel in Joshua 24:15 when he said, ”as for me and my house we will serve the LORD.”


David goes on in the psalm to say basically that he won’t tolerate perversity, evil, slander, pride, deceit, lying, or wickedness. He was unapologetic about the standards he set for himself and his house, and he was fierce in his statements about how he would protect them.


If there was ever a time not to be lackadaisical about the holiness of “our houses”—our hearts, our homes, and the places we’re called to steward—that time is now. 

Oh Lord, please help us. Help us to open our hearts to the conviction of your Holy Spirit. Help us to steward ourselves, our homes, and everything else in a way that brings honor to you. Amen.


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